Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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This headache is obviously of acute onset and can be very severe but it will last only a short
time, i.e. for the duration of time that the Wind-Cold is on the Exterior. Once the pathogenic
factor penetrates the Interior, this type of headache goes. There are exceptions, however, as in a
few cases when the external Wind-Cold is not expelled it can settle in the muscles and give rise
to chronic headaches.

In acute cases, apart from the headache, there would also be generalized aches of the whole body
as the exterior Wind-Cold obstructs the free circulation of Defensive Qi in the muscles.

Other symptoms and signs include: aversion to cold, shivers, possibly a fever, stiff and achy
shoulders, absence of thirst, some breathlessness, cough, sneezing, a runny nose with a white
discharge or a blocked nose, pale urine and a Floating-Tight pulse.

Treatment Principle

Release the Exterior, expel Wind, scatter Cold, remove obstruction from the channels.


General Prescription

LU-7 Lieque, G.B.-20 Fengchi, Du-16 Fengfu, BL-10 Tianzhu. All with reducing method.


The above points have been selected for their action in expelling Wind-Cold with particular
reference to the headache deriving from Wind-Cold. Several other points might have been
chosen to release the Exterior without a specific action on headaches such as, for example,
BL-12 Fengmen and BL-13 Feishu (see also Chapter 34 "Common Cold and Influenza").

  • LU-7 is the main point to release the Exterior and expel Wind-Cold. In addition, it
    especially affects the head and relieves headaches. For this reason, it can be used for
    headaches from Wind-Cold, Wind-Heat and also Turbid Phlegm.

  • G.B.-20 expels Wind in the head.

  • Du-16 expels Wind in the head and treats the Greater Yang-channel area.

  • BL-10 is used as a local point pertaining to the Greater Yang-channel area which is
    usually affected in invasion of Wind-Cold.

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