Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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Wind-Heat due to the presence of Ling Yang Jiao which expels Wind and Ge Gen which relaxes
the sinews. It is therefore excellent for severe headache and stiffness of the neck from an
invasion of Wind-Heat.


This is a type of Wind-Cold but combined with Dampness. Dampness obstructs the clear orifices
of the head and gives rise to a headache with a typical feeling of heaviness. The head feels
muzzy, as if it was wrapped in a cloth. This sensation would be aggravated by damp weather.
Dampness prevents the clear Yang from reaching the head and brightening the orifices and the
turbid Yin from descending. This causes the typical muzzy feeling, heavy head, poor
concentration and heavy eyes.

Other symptoms and signs include: aversion to cold, shivers, possibly a fever, a sensation of
oppression in the chest and epigastrium, a feeling of heaviness of the whole body, a runny nose
with a white discharge, a sticky tongue coating and a Floating-Slippery pulse.

Treatment Principle

Release the Exterior, expel Wind, resolve Dampness and remove obstruction from the channels.


General Prescription

LU-7 Lieque, L.I.-6 Pianli, SP-6 Sanyinjiao, ST-8 Touwei, Du-23 Shangxing. Reducing method
on all points.


  • LU-7 releases the Exterior and stimulates the Lungs' dispersing and descending of fluids.
    It will therefore simultaneously expel Wind and resolve exterior Dampness. It is also a
    specific point for headaches.

  • L.I.-6 releases the Exterior and also stimulates the Lungs' descending of fluids from the
    Upper Burner. It is the Connecting point of the Large Intestine Connecting channel which
    flows up to the jaw and ear thus relieving any headache in this region.

  • SP-6 resolves Dampness.

  • ST-8 is the main local point on the head to resolve Dampness affecting the head and is
    specific for dull headaches with a feeling of the head being wrapped.

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