Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis praeparata 9 g
Da Zao Fructus Ziziphi jujubae 10 dates
Explanation This is a variation of the three formulae listed above. The main
additions are:
Chang Pu and Yu Jin to open the Mind's orifices. These two herbs
were not used every time as they are pungent and therefore injure Yin.
Variations Variations used at different times according to the patient's condition
Du Zhong Cortex Eucommiae ulmoidis to strengthen the Kidneys, the
Will-Power and his sense of self-confidence and self-esteem. Although
this herb tonifies Kidney-Yang it can be added to the prescription in
combination with the many herbs which nourish Yin.
He Huan Pi Cortex Albizziae julibrissin to open the Mind's orifices and
lift depression.
Bai He Bulbus Lilii to nourish Lung-Yin and relieve sadness and crying.
Ju Hua Flos Chrysanthemi morifolii to relieve burning eyes.
Ye Jiao Teng Caulis Polygoni multiflori to promote sleep.
Mu Xiang Radix Saussureae to move Qi to help to resolve Phlegm.
Tai Zi Shen Radix Pseudostellariae heterophyllae and Shan Yao Radix
Dioscoreae oppositae to nourish Stomach-Yin.
Long Chi Dens Draconis and Zhen Zhu Mu Concha margaritiferae to
sink Qi and calm the Mind.
Recently this patient had a consultation with Professor Zhou Zhong
Ying, one of my teachers from Nanjing, and he confirmed the diagnosis
of Phlegm-Heat misting the Mind and Yin deficiency. He suggested a
prescription which incorporates the formula Bai He Zhi Mu Tang
Lilium-Anemarrhena Decoction from the "Essential Prescriptions from
the Golden Chest".80(264) A mental condition similar to this patient's
was described in this old classic and was called "Lilium syndrome". The
book says: "Symptoms and signs [of the Lilium syndrome] include: the
patient wants to eat but he cannot swallow and cannot speak. He wants
to lie in bed yet he cannot lie quietly as he is restless. He wants to walk
but soon becomes tired. Sometimes he likes eating, at other times he
cannot tolerate the smell of food. He feels sometimes hot and sometimes
cold, but without fever or chill. He has a bitter taste and the urine is