Herbal Treatment
Da Bu Yin Jian
(Great Tonifying Yin Decoction)
Shu Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae glutinosae praeparata 15 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae oppositae 12 g
Shan Zhu Yu Fructus Corni officinalis 9 g
Gou Qi Zi Fructus Lycii chinensis 12 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae sinensis 9 g
Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis pilosulae 12 g
Du Zhong Cortex Eucommiae ulmoidis 9 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis praeparata 6 g
- Shu Di Huang, Shan Yao and Shan Zhu Yu nourish the Yin of Kidneys, Stomach and
Liver. They are a contracted version of the Liu Wei Di Huang Wan without the three
draining herbs. - Gou Qi Zi and Dang Gui nourish Liver-Yin and Liver-Blood.
- Dang Shen tonifies Qi.
- Du Zhong tonifies Kidney-Yang.
- Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes.
This formula is for deficiency of Kidney- and Liver-Yin. The main manifestations are dizziness,
tinnitus, backache, weak knees, blurred vision, dry eyes, night-sweating, 5-palm heat, headache,
a Red tongue without coating and a Floating-Empty pulse.
Mental-Emotional Pattern
Fear, shock and guilt may cause a deficiency of Kidney and Liver-Yin in the same way as
mentioned above. In this case, the Mind, the Ethereal Soul and the Will-Power are all three
This person will feel exhausted and depressed and will lack will-power. As the Ethereal Soul is