Hong Zao Fructus Ziziphi jujubae
This very well-known remedy tonifies Spleen-and Heart-Blood and calms the Mind. It is
excellent to tonify Spleen-Blood in chronic tiredness with insomnia from Blood deficiency. It is
also used for bleeding from Qi deficiency.
The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy is a Pale body.
Yin Deficiency
Lung-Yin Deficiency
Clinical Manifestations
Dry throat, dry cough, exhaustion, breathlessness, hoarse voice, feeling of heat in the afternoon,
night sweating, 5-palm sweating, malar flush.
Tongue: Red without coating.
It could be without coating only in the front part. There may be cracks in the Lung area (see
Figure 12.2(344)).
Pulse: Fine and Rapid or Floating-Empty.
This pattern can occur in both young or old people. In young people it often follows a prolonged
febrile disease which leads to exhaustion of the Yin and body fluids. In children, this can occur
quite rapidly, in a matter of 2-3 weeks. In young adults it can happen after glandular fever, when
the Yin is injured by prolonged Heat.
In old people, this pattern arises gradually as a result of a slow and progressive depletion of Yin.
This does not mean, however, that every old person suffers from deficiency of Yin. In case of
deficiency of Lung-Yin, it would occur only against a background of constitutional Lung
weakness, which may also be in itself the consequence of a severe attack of whooping cough
during childhood. People with constitutional Lung deficiency tend to be thin with a long and
narrow rib cage.
Treatment Principle
Nourish Yin, generate fluids, strengthen the Lungs.