P-6 Neiguan to move Qi and Blood in the chest and relieve the feeling
of oppression and tightness.
ST-40 Fenglong to subdue rebellious Qi in the chest and resolve
GB-34 Yanglingquan to move Liver-Qi in the hypochondrium.
LIV-3 Taichong to move Liver-Qi, calm the Mind and settle the
Ethereal Soul.
Ren-17 Shanzhong and BL-14 Jueyinshu Front-Collecting point and
Back-Transporting point of the Pericardium respectively, to move Qi in
the chest and relieve the feeling of oppression and tightness.
LIV-14 Qimen to move Liver-Qi.
SP-6 Sanyinjiao to help to resolve Phlegm and calm the Mind.
SP-4 Gongsun on the left and P-6 Neiguan on the right to open the
Penetrating vessel. This vessel is excellent to remove obstructions and
subdue rebellious Qi in the chest.
Some points were needled with reinforcing method to tonify Qi:
ST-36 Zusanli and Ren-12 Zhongwan to tonify Spleen-Qi to resolve
Herbal treatment The formula used was a variation of two prescriptions: Gua Lou Xie Bai
Ban Xia Tang Trichosanthes-Allium-Pinellia Decoction and Ban Xia
Hou Po Tang Pinellia-Magnolia Decoction.
Gua Lou Fructus Trichosanthis 6 g
Xie Bai Bulbus Allii 4 g
Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae ternatae 6 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae officinalis 6 g
Su Ye Folium Perillae frutescentis 4 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae cocos 6 g
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi cassiae 4 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Citri aurantii immaturus 4 g
Sheng Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis officinalis recens 3 slices.
Gui Zhi was added to expel Cold and move Yang in the chest. Zhi Shi
was added to move Liver-Qi and subdue rebellious Qi in the chest.
This patient showed a very marked improvement after a short time, with
most of his symptoms disappearing or being greatly reduced in