Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

(nextflipdebug2) #1
Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 6 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis praeparata 3 g


  • Qiang Huo and Du Huo are the main herbs. They both eliminate Dampness, the former
    from the upper part of the body and the latter from the lower part. They potentiate each
    other. In this case, Qiang Huo is the more important herb to reach the upper part of the
    Greater Yang channels and treat the headache. Its dose could therefore be increased in
    respect of that of Du Huo.

  • Fang Feng and Gao Ben are the minister herbs and both eliminate Wind and Dampness
    from the Greater Yang channels. In particular Gao Ben is specific for the upper part of
    the body and head.

  • Chuan Xiong and Man Jing Zi eliminate Wind from the head and stop headaches.

  • Gan Cao harmonizes.

Yin Chen Wu Ling San
(Artemisia Capillaris Five Ling Powder)

Yin Chen Hao Herba Artemisiae capillaris 10 g
Wu Ling San Five Ling Powder 5 g


This is a variation of the Wu Ling San Five Ling Powder and the above are the dosages for a
powder. If the crude herbs are used, the dosage of Yin Chen Hao would be considerably higher
than the other herbs.

  • Yin Chen Hao is the main herb in the prescription to enter the Gall-Bladder and resolve
    Dampness from it. In the case of headaches, this herb would direct the prescription to the
    Gall-Bladder channel.

  • Wu Ling San: the whole prescription is to eliminate Dampness and resolve oedema.

This prescription is suitable for headaches from Dampness affecting the Gall-Bladder rather than
the Stomach and Spleen. It is thus used for more intense headaches on the temples or sides of the
head rather than the forehead which the previous formula addresses.

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