Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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  • LU-7 is used as a distal point to stimulate the ascending of clear Yang to the head.

  • ST-8 is a local point for headaches from Phlegm (or Dampness).

  • Du-20 is used to stimulate the ascending of clear Yang to the head.

Other Points

  • ST-36 Zusanli can be added as a distal point to tonify the Spleen and resolve Phlegm. It
    is important to use it if the person feels very tired.

  • SP-6 Sanyinjiao eliminates Dampness and helps to resolve Phlegm.

  • SP-3 Taibai eliminates Dampness and helps to resolve Phlegm. Being at the extremity of
    the channel, it affects the head.

  • L.I.-11 Quchi can be used if the Phlegm is associated with Heat.

  • Du-23 Shangxing can be used as a local point especially if the eyes are affected.

  • Yintang can be used as a local point if the headache is on the forehead.

Herbal Treatment


Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
(Pinellia-Atractylodes-Gastrodia Decoction)

Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae ternatae 9 g
Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae elatae 6 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae 15 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae cocos 6 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri reticulatae 6 g
Gan Cao Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae uralensis 4 g
Sheng Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis officinalis recens 1 slice
Da Zao Fructus Ziziphi jujubae 2 pieces


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