Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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ST-40 and ST-8 were needled with even method while all the other
points were needled with reinforcing method.

Explanation Ren-12, ST-36, BL-20 and SP-3 were reinforced to tonify the Spleen.
Moxa was used on ST-36 to tonify Spleen-Yang.

LU-7 and L.I.-4 were used to stimulate the rising of clear Yang to the
head and open the head orifices.

ST-8 is the main local point for headaches from Phlegm or Dampness.

ST-40 was used with even method to resolve Phlegm.

Turbid Phlegm-Wind

This pattern is similar to the previous one and it simply corresponds to a combined condition of
Phlegm and internal Wind. It is only seen in old people and it may indicate the likelihood of

Treatment Principle

Resolve Phlegm, subdue Wind, pacify the Liver.


General Prescription

ST-40 Fenglong, L.I.-4 Hegu, LIV-3 Taichong, S.I.-3 Houxi, BL-62 Shenmai, ST-8 Touwei,
Du-20 Baihui, G.B.-20 Fengchi. Reducing method on ST-40, L.I.-4, LIV-3 and G.B.-20, even
method on S.I.-3, BL-62, ST-8 and Du-20.


  • ST-40, L.I.-4, ST-8, and Du-20: the use of these points has already been explained under
    the Phlegm-type headache.

  • LIV-3 subdues Wind and is an important point to relieve this type of headache. In
    combination with Hegu L.I.-4, it subdues Wind from the face and head.

  • S.I.-3 and BL-62 in combination open the Governing vessel and subdue Wind. In
    particular, by opening the Governing vessel they will also relieve the headache.

  • G.B.-20 subdues Wind and relieves headaches.

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