Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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  • LIV-3 moves Blood and alleviates headaches.

  • Ah Shi points on the head are an important and essential part of the treatment. The
    choice of local points is made simply according to the location of the headaches and a
    clear differentiation of the channel involved.

Other Points

  • T.B.-5 Waiguan moves Qi and is especially indicated for headaches on the side of the

  • SP-10 Xuehai is used if there is general stasis of Blood.

  • BL-18 Ganshu is indicated if there are marked symptoms of Liver-Blood stasis.

  • BL-2 Zanzhu is for stasis of Blood in the eye.

  • Taiyang is for stasis of Blood in the temples.

  • T.B.-18 Qimai is for stasis of Blood in the occiput.

  • Sishencong, extra point, for stasis of Blood on the vertex.

It should be emphasized that stasis of Blood does not arise independently but it may stem from
various conditions, such as Qi stagnation, Blood deficiency, Blood-Heat, internal Cold and Qi
deficiency. The treatment should obviously be aimed at treating the condition underlying the
stasis of Blood.

Herbal Treatment


Tong Qiao Hua Xue Tang
(Opening the Orifices and Moving Blood Decoction)

Chi Shao Radix Paeoniae rubrae 3 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici wallichii 3 g
Tao Ren Semen Persicae 9 g
Hong Hua Flos Carthami tinctorii 9 g
She Xiang Secretio Moschus moschiferi .15 g
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