Prescription for Liver-Fire
Dang Gui Long Hui Wan
(Angelica-Gentiana-Aloe Pill)
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae sinensis 30 g
Long Dan Cao Radix Gentianae scabrae 15 g
Lu Hui Herba Aloes 15 g
Shan Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae jasminoidis 6 g
Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 4 g
Huang Bo Cortex Phellodendri 6 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae baicalensis 6 g
Da Huang Rhizoma Rhei 9 g
Mu Xiang Radix Saussureae 5 g
She Xiang Secretio Moschus moschiferi 1.5 g
Qing Dai Indigo Naturalis 6 g
- Dang Gui enters the Liver and moves the stools.
- Long Dan Cao drains Liver-Fire.
- Lu Hui drains Liver-Fire and moves the stools.
- Zhi Zi, Huang Lian, Huang Bo and Huang Qin drain Fire in the Intestines.
- Da Huang drains Fire and moves downward.
- Mu Xiang moves Qi: it is added to help the downwards movement of stools.
- She Xiang opens the orifices: it is added to help Da Huang to move downwards. As this
is not a substance in common use (and it is also extremely expensive) it can be replaced
by Shi Chang Pu Rhizoma Acori graminei (6 g). - Qing Dai enters the Liver and resolves Fire-Poison.
This prescription is a very strong one with many bitter and cold herbs. It should be used only for
severe cases of Liver-Fire and only for a relatively short time. If the symptoms of Liver-Fire are
not very severe, the previous formula (Ma Zi Ren Wan) can be used simply with the addition of