- Pain
- Hypogastric sensations.
Frequency of Urination
Frequent urination indicates either deficiency of Kidney-Yang or sinking of Spleen-Qi if the
urine is pale. If the urine is dark and micturition painful, frequency is due to Damp-Heat.
Scanty urination with dark urine indicates deficiency of Kidney-Yin.
Ease or Difficulty of Urination
Difficulty in micturition so that the flow of urine is hesitant or fitful indicates Dampness
obstructing the Water passages.
Weak-stream micturition is due either to Dampness obstructing the Water passages or to
deficient Kidney-Yang unable to push the urine along.
Colour of Urine
Pale urine indicates deficiency of Kidney-Yang, while dark urine indicates either deficiency of
Kidney-Yin or Heat in the Bladder.
Cloudy urine indicates Dampness while rusty-coloured urine may indicate the presence of blood.
Blood in the urine is due either to Blood-Heat (which may be full- or Empty-Heat) or to Qi
deficiency. If the colour of the blood is dark and there are small clots, it indicates Blood stasis.
The "Essential Methods of Dan Xi" says: "In Blood Painful-Urination Syndrome ... if the colour
of the blood is fresh it indicates Heart and Small Intestine Full-Heat; if it is dark, it indicates
Empty-Cold in the Kidneys and Bladder."11(423)
Burning pain in the urethra during urination is due to Heat or Damp-Heat. Pain before urination
indicates stagnation of Qi, while pain after urination indicates deficiency of Qi.
Pain over the hypogastrium indicates stagnation of Liver-Qi or Liver-Fire.
Pain over the sacrum is due to a Kidney deficiency.