Design Literacy: Understanding Graphic Design

(Tuis.) #1

The cultural feeding frenzy that overtook the Emigre“style” was
predictable. What Emigreinitiated was co-opted by scores of mainstream,
cultish manifestations—from magazines to MTV. The ethos further
outgrew its experimental stage and became the “cool” or “hip” way to
communicate. But this should not diminish Emigre’s impact or significance.
VanderLans and Licko, while launching a business, took the
necessary, courageous leaps that pioneers must take.Emigrewas not just the
standard-bearer of the new design style, but was, and continues to be, the
bearer of standards for experimental digital typography. Through the shift
from hot metal to phototype and even to computer type, although the
mechanics of type had changed frequently, the fundamental nature of type
had remained constant. While other serious type designers initially adapted
traditional methods to the digital medium,Emigrepushed the boundaries.
VanderLans and Licko were not satisfied to follow tradition, and ultimately
they created a tradition of their own.

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