Design Literacy: Understanding Graphic Design

(Tuis.) #1

evangelical stereotypes. ItsHomosexuality, Is It Really—Natural? Sinful?
Curable? and The Vice of Sexual Immorality are the quintessential no-frills
accusation leaflets. These pamphlets exude damnation simply through their
8-point, text-packed typesetting. They telegraph an attitude that, since you
are going to hell anyway, you don’t need legible text. Indeed, most of these
flyers seem to begin with the same creepy theme (which is supported by the
minimal graphics) that evil runs rampant in our lives, and we are all terrible
people. Out of all the leaflets I was handed, only one showed any hope:
“God loves to hear and answer our prayers!” Otherwise, the vast majority
are relentless, perversely preoccupied with the personal and societal
consequences of sin.
Although graphic design has long played a strategic role in the
“corporate” branding of many organized religions, the grassroots print side
of evangelical proselytizing is clearly stripped down to the bare bones. The
graphic vocabulary is so void of substance and style that perhaps their
designs are the sins in need of forgiveness.

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