Poetry for Students

(Rick Simeone) #1

24 Poetry for Students

join his creative expeditions in the poem, Apolli-
naire challenges them to discover fresh and invig-
orating visions of the world.
Source:Wendy Perkins, Critical Essay on “Always,” in
Poetry for Students, Thomson Gale, 2006.

L. C. Breunig
In the following essay, Breunig explores the
“fusion of laughter and despair” and the resulting
sense of malaise in Apollinaire’s poetry.



Do I Read


  • Cubism(1998), by David Cottington, is a com-
    prehensive overview of this important art

  • Stanley Appelbaum’s Introduction to French
    Poetry(1991) is a collection of poems by sev-
    eral important French poets, including Voltaire,
    Victor Hugo, Arthur Rimbaud, and Apollinaire,
    that includes critical and biographical informa-
    tion on each poet.

  • T. S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred
    Prufrock” (1915), one of the most celebrated po-
    ems of the age, captures the pessimism and sense
    of hopelessness of the war years. It can be found
    in Eliot’s Collected Poems, 1909–1962(1963).

  • “Ocean of Earth,” another selection in Cal-
    ligrammes(1918), is often cited as one of Apol-
    linaire’s most inventive poems.

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