The Decisive Battles of World History

(ff) #1

Lecture 1: What Makes a Battle Decisive?

x Although this course is by no means a comprehensive history of
warfare, it will inevitably trace or, perhaps more accurately, mirror
the development of weapons, strategy, and tactics over time.

x A recurring theme of the lectures is technological change.
The mighty steel dreadnaughts of the First World War—direct
descendants of the Affondatore²ERDVWHGFDQQRQVWKDWFRXOGÀLQJ
tons of explosive shells 20 miles in one broadside. These ships
were so expensive that the naval arms race between Great Britain
and Germany nearly bankrupted both countries. When we examine
the Battle of Midway, we will encounter aircraft carriers, which
represented another key technological shift. Each of these types
of vessel represented the most cutting-edge technology and was
among the most expensive mobile manmade objects of its day.

decisive battles can be a useful analytical tool because it encourages
us to view history not as a boring and immutable timeline but,
instead, as a series of constantly branching pathways whose

From the invention of the wheel through the development of the jet engine,

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