Emergency Medicine

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

300 Orthopaedic Emergencies


Flexor tendon injuries in the hand


1 These injuries occur from direct laceration or blunt injury.
2 Assess for a f lexor tendon injury:
(i) Flexor digitorum profundus causes flexion at the distal
interphalangeal joint.
(ii) Flexor digitorum superficialis causes flexion of the finger at the
proximal interphalangeal joint, while the neighbouring fingers
are held extended.
(iii) Suspect a partial tendon division from pain or reduced function
against resistance.


1 Refer every suspected f lexor tendon injury directly to the orthopaedic team.
2 Give tetanus prophylaxis for a penetrating wound.

Extensor tendon injuries in the hand


1 Injury can occur by:
(i) Direct laceration.
(ii) Avulsion of the middle slip of the extensor tendon that inserts
onto the middle phalanx.
(iii) Avulsion of the distal slip of the extensor tendon that inserts onto
the distal phalanx.
2 Assess for an extensor tendon injury:
(i) Avulsion of the distal insertion causes a ‘mallet-finger’ deformity.
The patient is unable to extend the distal interphalangeal joint
with the middle phalanx held.
(ii) Avulsion of the middle slip that inserts onto the middle phalanx
may be missed
(a) initially, the proximal interphalangeal joint can be extended
by the two lateral bands, but as they displace into a volar
direction, they then begin to act as flexors
(b) finally, the proximal interphalangeal joint becomes flexed
and the distal interphalangeal joint hyperextended, resulting
in the boutonnière deformity.
3 Request an X-ray to show an associated f lake fracture of avulsed bone.

1 Refer a lacerated tendon or middle slip avulsion immediately to the ortho-
paedic team.
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