Practical Procedures 481
2 Position the limb:
(i) Flex the knee to 45° and support with a sandbag or pillow.
(ii) Locate the tibial tuberosity.
(iii) Palpate the insertion site 2 cm distal on the anteromedial side in
children >1 year of age, 1 cm distal aged 6–12 months, and just
distal to the tibial tubercle in neonates (see Fig. 18.4).
(iv) Fix the limb in position by holding the knee.
3 Grip the stylet ball of the intraosseous needle in the palm of your hand, and
place the tip of your index finger 1–1.5 cm from the tip of the needle.
4 Insert the needle at 90° to the skin and in a slightly caudal direction (away
from the epiphyseal plate).
5 Advance the needle with a gentle twisting or boring motion, until it gives on
entering the marrow cavity, and remove the stylet.
6 Aspirate blood and marrow contents to confirm correct placement, attach
IV tubing and secure the needle with sterile gauze and strapping.
7 Alternatively use a semi-automatic, hand-held, intraosseous drill device.
8 Flush each drug with a bolus of normal saline to ensure dispersal beyond the
marrow cavity, and to achieve faster central circulation distribution.
Figure 18.4 Intraosseous line insertion.