Code Brown (major incident) 456–74
cognitive impairment in confusion,
assessing 82, 83–4
cold see hypothermia
biliary 264
renal and ureteric 268–9
ischaemic 266
ulcerative 263
collapse with poisoning 167
collateral ligament injuries
knee, medial and lateral 307
ulnar 296–7
Colles’ fracture 288–90
reverse (=Smith’s) 290–1
coma, diabetic 78–80
see also Glasgow Coma Scale
combined oral contraceptive pill, missed
breaking bad news to relatives 448–9
with GP see general practitioner
major incident 457
compartment syndrome 323–4
competence (patient) 451–2
compound fracture, wound management
246, 320
compulsory detention 443–4
computed tomography (CT)
abdominal pain (acute) 258–9
ischaemic colitis 266
pancreatitis 268
renal and ureteric colic 268–9
retroperitoneal haemorrhage 272
abdominal trauma (blunt) 239
cervical spine 227
head trauma 248
maxillofacial trauma 432
renal trauma 242
confusion see delirium
conjunctival foreign body 413–14
conjunctivitis, acute 419–20
altered level 80–9
head injury with no loss of 247–50
loss see unconscious patient
consent 451–2
continuous positive airways pressure,
pneumothorax 76
contraception 389–91
missed pill 390–1
post-coital 389–90
see also intrauterine contraceptive
convulsions see seizures
cooling in heat stroke 203
abrasion 414
fluorescein stain 410
foreign body 414
inflammation 420
coronary arteries
disease 44–50
gas embolism in pulmonary
barotrauma 211
coronary care unit admission 50
coroner 453–4
cortical necrosis, acute 142
corticosteroids see methylprednisolone;
prednisolone; steroids
costochondritis 60
court attendance 455
cranial (temporal) arteritis 101, 423
cranial fracture see skull fracture
cricothyrotomy 14, 219, 229, 469–71
critical care emergencies 1–42
Crohn’s disease 263
croup 14–15, 352–3
cruciate ligament injuries 307
crush injury 323–4
crystal arthropathies 106–7
cutaneous disorders 112–18
cyanide poisoning 185
chemical incident 460
fire 250
cycloplegic agents 410
Meibomian 417
ovarian, ruptured 380
cystitis, bacterial, with epididymo-
orchitis 271
D-dimer test 54, 57
dacryocystitis 417–18
DC shock see cardioversion; defibrillation
de Quervain’s stenosing tenosynovitis