conjunctiva 420
diarrhoea 148
hepatitis 147
risk with sharps/needlestick injury
respiratory, children 349, 350, 352–3
visceral perforation 262–3
acuity, assessment 410
falls in elderly due to 120
sudden 422–5
vital signs assessment
cardiac arrhythmias 61
confused patient 82
febrile neutropenia 146
cervical spine 224
multiple 218
shock 17, 20, 22
stroke 96
vitreous haemorrhage 424
volar Barton’s fracture 291
Volkmann’s ischaemic contracture 283
vomiting (emesis)
acute abdomen 258
child 357–61
von Willebrand’s disease, traumatic
arthritis 107, 108
Wallace’s Rule of Nines 251
warming/rewarming in hypothermia 10,
206, 207
wasp stings 199
water loss, hypernatraemia with 135–6
web space infections of hand 326
Wernicke’s encephalopathy 25, 85, 92
wheeze and laryngeal oedema 28
whiplash injury 230
whole bowel irrigation 168
withdrawal (drugs and alcohol) 441
worms (helminths) 162
wound management 318–23
wrist injuries 288–301
wry neck 327
X-ray radiography
abdominal pain (acute) 257, 258
inflammatory bowel disease 263
intussusception 261
ischaemic colitis 266
pancreatitis 268
renal and ureteric colic 268
splenic rupture 267
abdominal trauma 238, 241
knee fractures 307
lower limb injuries
ankle 310–11
femoral neck fractures 303
patellar fractures 305
maxillofacial injury 430, 431
ocular foreign body 416
pelvic trauma 239, 242
skull in head injury 31, 248
cervical 221–2, 226–7, 248
thoracolumbar 245
tooth injury 428
upper limb injuries
carpal injuries 294, 295
elbow dislocation 285
olecranon fractures 287
pulled elbow 286
radial distal fractures 289, 290, 291,
radial head fractures 287
radial shaft fractures 288
shoulder dislocation (anterior) 279
ulnar shaft fractures 288
zygomatic and zygomaticomaxillary
complex fracture 431–2