Formatting Your Pages 4
Can I set my text in any font?
No. You are not embedding the font file in your
document. Instead, you are merely asking the
browser to use that font, which it can do only
if your user has the same font installed. Most
designers limit themselves to Arial, Times New
Roman, Verdana, and Courier, although other
fonts such as Georgia are becoming popular.
Why do I need to provide a list of fonts?
The list provides backup fonts in case your user does
not have the same fonts that you do. If you set the
font-face property to Arial, Helvetica,
sans-serif, you are saying that you would
prefer Arial, but if it is not available, use Helvetica.
If that font is not on the system, fall back to a
generic sans-serif font.
● When viewed in a browser,
the text on the page now
appears in the font face
and size you specified.
5 Type font-family: ?,
replacing? with a set of font
names or categories such as
Arial, Helvetica,
6 Press.
7 Type font-size: ?,
replacing? with a value and unit
of measurement, such as 90%;.
8 Press.
9 Type }.