Formatting Your Pages 4
Can I add more than one image as the background?
Unfortunately, CSS only allows you to place one
image per element in the background. You can create
the illusion of having multiple backgrounds, however,
by placing other images in other elements on the
page. For example, you can place a background
image in a div, and then another in a paragraph
within the div. See Chapter 5 for more about divs.
What makes a good background image?
Good background images are ones with very little
contrast, because images with very dark and very
light areas cause readability problems. Also, the
background image should enhance the overall look
of the page, instead of detracting or distracting
from it, so subtle images work better.
● When viewed in a browser,
the image appears, tiling
horizontally and vertically
on the screen.
3 Type url(“?”);, replacing
? with a relative or absolute
path to the image you wish
to use.