Formatting Your Pages 4
● When viewed in a browser,
the heading has the border
around it.
What are the possible values for the border style?
You can use any of the following for the style of the border.
Style Description
none No border is drawn.
hidden Except in tables, this is the same as none. In tables, the property suppresses borders when
used along with border-collapse.
solid A single line.
double A double line. The browser determines the space between lines.
dotted A series of dots make up the border. The exact shape and position of the dots is up to the browser.
dashed A series of dashes, with the exact position determined by the browser.
groove A line with shading to create a slightly indented 3D effect. The shading is determined by the browser.
ridge The opposite of groove, ridge uses shading to create a raised appearance.
inset The browser shades two sides of the border to create the effect of the box being lowered below
the page. As with other properties here, the exact shading is left to the browser.
outset The opposite of inset, with the box apparently raised above the page.
3 Type?? ?;, replacing the
first? with the desired
the second with the desired
color, and the third with a
style keyword such as solid
or dashed.