Advanced CSS 5
To which elements can I apply pseudo-elements?
In theory, any element can take a pseudo-element.
In practice, however, browsers tend to ignore the
pseudo-element when it is not applied to text-based
elements, such as paragraphs, lists, and table cells.
Can I apply pseudo-elements with ID or class
Yes. You simply replace the element name before
the colon with the class or ID name. Therefore,
.intro:first-line would style the first line of
any element with the intro class, and
#mainArticle:first-line would apply the
style to an element with a mainArticle ID.
● When you view the page in a
browser, the style is applied
based on the pseudo-
element. In this example,
the first line of text in the
paragraphs is formatted
in bold.
5 Press.
6 Type {.
7 Type the styles you want
to use.
8 Press.
9 Type }.