Web Design

(Nancy Kaufman) #1



Advanced CSS 5


Are there other pseudo-classes beyond the ones for styling links?
CSS defines a first-child pseudo-class that allows you to apply a style to the element immediately following
the one to which the style is applied. For example, styles applied with a selector h2:first-child would
not apply to the heading, but instead to whatever element, most likely a paragraph, followed the heading.

● When you view the page in a
browser, the links should be
styled based either on the
styles used in the a:link
or a:visited declarations.
When you position your
mouse pointer over the
links, you should see the
a:hover style.

8 Repeat Steps 2 to 7 , creating
style selectors for
a:visited, a:hover,
a:active, and a:focus.


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