Adding Forms to Your Site 11
● When the page is viewed in
a browser, the text area
7 Type rows=”?”, replacing?
with a number for the height
of the field.
8 Type cols=”?”, replacing?
with a number for the weight
of the field.
9 Type >.
0 Type .
9 10
7 8
How much text can a user enter into the field?
Some browsers limit the field to 65,536 characters,
but others do not. You can set a limit yourself by
using JavaScript. Several Ajax libraries, including
Adobe Spry, have prebuilt controls to limit the text
entered into a text area.
Can I add a toolbar to allow my user to format
the text?
HTML does not provide this capability, but several
implementations to do so exist. A popular, free
option is the CKEditor, available for download from