Creating Dynamic Pages 12
How can I test the page to be sure it really sends e-mail?
In order to test the form, you need to upload the form to a server configured with a program that can send
e-mail. Any third-party Web host should have this configured already, although you may need to add
additional arguments to your PHP mail function. Check your host’s help files for the proper settings. You
can also download and install a free SMTP program to test the page locally. If you are using a Macintosh,
you can enable the built-in SMTP client. SMTP stands for simple mail transfer protocol, and an SMTP
program is one that sends mail. Details on how to set up and configure an SMTP program for local testing
on Windows can be found at http://www.robhuddleston.com/index.cfm/2008/7/27/Setting-up-a-local-email-
testing-server. Instructions for enabling the SMTP client on a Mac can be found at http://www.freshblurbs.com/
● The confirmation message
7 In your Web browser, open
the HTML document from
Step 1.
8 Fill in the form fields and
then click the button.