Web Design

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


differences between, 7
Internet Explorer, 6
mobile Web, 7
Mosaic, 6
Mozilla Firefox, 6
Navigator, 6
Netscape, 6
Opera, 7
previewing pages in, 24–25, 201
Safari, 7
support for CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 97
support for HTML5 video, 237
testing Web pages in, 25
upgrading, 7
WorldWideWeb, 6
bullet symbols, changing, 173
bulleted list, adding, 172–173
bullets, eliminating, 177
<button> tag, using with HTML forms, 266–267
buttons, creating in Fireworks, 76–79

calendar control, creating with YUI, 220–221
trimming in Fireworks, 79
trimming in Illustrator, 87
<caption> tag, using, 244–245
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). See also embedded style sheets;
adding space with padding, 118–119
adding text formatting, 114–115
aligning text, 116–117
a:link pseudo-class, 142–143
applying different styles to text, 131
applying styles with classes, 134–135
applying styles with IDs, 136–137
background-color property, 109
background-image property, 110–111
background-position property, 113
background-repeat property, 112
border properties, 124–125
browser support, 97
color property, 108
contextual selectors, 138–139
controlling height of content, 123
controlling spacing, 31

determining file sizes in, 73
editing images in, 66–67
interface, 59
organizing images in, 67
resizing images in, 71
rotating images in, 68
saving images for Web in, 72–73
sharing images from, 67
using to fix colors, 68
AI image format, using in Illustrator, 86
described, 209
downloading widgets, 220
jQuery library, 222–225
Spry framework, 218–219
a:link pseudo-class, using in CSS, 142–143
alpha channel, specifying for colors, 105
Alt key, using to display menus, 24
alternate text, displaying for images, 90–91
anchor tag. See <a> tag, applying
Andreesen, Marc, 6
animation, creating using Flash Professional, 226–229
Aperture graphics program, 10
identifying, 12
local versus global, 12

<b> tag, applying, 33
background color, setting with CSS, 108
background image tiling, controlling, 112
background-color property, using in CSS, 109
background-image property, using in CSS, 110–111
background-position property, using in CSS, 113
background-repeat property, using in CSS, 112
Berners-Lee, Tim, 4, 240
bold, applying to text, 33
border properties, using in CSS, 124–125
box model, explained, 118
Brin, Sergey, 328
2-Up view, 205
Onion Skin option, 205
using to preview pages, 202–205
Chrome, 7
defined, 6

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