
(Brent) #1

List controllers, for example, are helpful when using expressions and
constraints to control a child object through a parent object, particularly if
the child and parent objects are not using the same orientation. The List
controller uses added internal controllers that lets you maintain control over
the child object’s local orientation, even though it remains constrained to
that of its parent.

Local orientation of child object (car wheel, shown at left in green)
differs from parent object (car body, selected, shown at right)

The child object (car wheel) of the rig you are about to animate in this tutorial,
is oriented differently from the parent object (the car body). To turn the wheel
using wiring, you would have to rotate the wheel on its Y axis (based on the
orientation of the body of the car), not its X axis (the wheel’s local orientation).
To regain control of the local orientation of the child object, you will add list
controllers to the position and rotation tracks of the front left wheel animation.

Manually assign List controllers:

In this procedure, you will manually assign List controllers to the position
and rotation tracks of the front left wheel of your Chevy.

1 On the Quick Access toolbar, click the Open File button, navigate
to the animation\car rigging folder and open car_rig_01-start.max.

2 From the main toolbar Selection Sets list, choose Garage_All.

Using List Controllers | 611
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