
(Brent) #1
As you progress, note how the pink MacroRecorder area accumulates
scripting data.

6 Right-click on a gray area of the main toolbar (below the Selection Sets
drop-down is a handy area), then choose Customize.
7 On the Customize User Interface dialog, make sure the Toolbars tab is
active, then click New.
8 On the New Toolbar dialog, type myTools and click OK.
9 Close the Customer User Interface dialog and reposition the new toolbar
to the right of the MAXScript Listener window.

10 Highlight the last four lines of the script, then drag and drop them into
the myTools toolbar.

A button is created.

11 Right-click the newly-created button and choose Edit Button Appearance.

12 On the Edit Macro Button dialog, choose the Text Button option and in
the Label field, type List Con and click OK.

616 | Chapter 4 Animation Tutorials
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