10 Repeat step 8 to add a fourth rotation sub-controller. You will need this
later on in the tutorial.
The front left wheel should now have four Euler XYZ tracks.
11 Select another wheel and repeat steps 8 to 10 until all four wheels have
four Euler XYZ tracks in their respective rotation lists.
Rotate the wheels (in World Y coordinates):
1 Adjust the Perspective view until the front left side of the car is visible.
2 Select the car body, then right-click and from the quad menu, choose
Wire Parameters.
3 From the menu, choose Transform > Position > (2nd) Position XYZ > Y
4 Select the front left wheel (Wheel-FL).
5 From the menu, choose Transform > Rotation > (3rd) Euler XYZ > Z
624 | Chapter 4 Animation Tutorials