Taking Control of Mars, Its Moons, and the Space Station
So far, you've used dummy objects to help animate the spacefighters. Another
handy use of dummy objects is as an alternate pivot point. Any object can be
used as a pivot, but dummies are great because they don't render.
Set up the lesson:
■ Open the spacestation.max file.
Files for this lesson are in the \animation\spacefighter folder.
This scene includes the following:
■ Three heavenly bodies, Mars and its two moons, Deimos and Phobos
■ A space station named SpaceStation
■ A camera (hidden) named SpaceCam
Take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the names of the objects in
the scene. This will make it easier for you to select objects during this lesson.
Taking Control of Mars, Its Moons, and the Space Station | 539