13 Turn off the Auto Key and save your work as MySpaceStation.
14 Activate the SpaceCam viewport and play the animation.
You will see Mars rotating on its axis, then at frame 60, Deimos swings
into view and passes by and Phobos remains off-camera. If you like, you
can zoom out to see both moons during playback.
15 Return the time slider to frame 0 before continuing.
Set the space station into orbit:
Now that Mars is spinning on its own axis and Deimos and Phobos are orbiting
Mars, you can set the space station into a geosynchronous orbit around Mars
(an orbit that matches the planet rotation). You'll use the same technique for
controlling the space station.
1 Add a new dummy object to the Top viewport, and name it
It doesn't matter where you place the dummy object, because you'll align
it to Mars in a few steps.