
(Brent) #1
6 In the Left viewport, link SpaceStation to StationControl.

7 Turn on Select And Rotate and select StationControl. Change the
Reference Coordinate System from View to Local, if it's not already

TIPYou must always choose the transform (in this case, Select and Rotate)
before choosing the Reference Coordinate System. Different transforms can
have different Reference Coordinate Systems. If you choose the coordinate
system first, it might change when you choose a different transform.

8 Turn on the Auto Key button and move the time slider to
frame 100.
9 In the Z axis field, below the time slider, enter 40.

10 Turn off the Auto Key and save your work as MySpaceStation01.

To create an incrementally saved file, use the Save As command from
the Application menu, or click the plus-sign button.

11 Play the animation.

Now the Space Station is orbiting around Mars but it's orbiting at a slower

Taking Control of Mars, Its Moons, and the Space Station | 545
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