Sky & Telescope - USA (2019-09)

(Antfer) #1


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F • SEPTEMBER 2019 19

qMAKING THE SHADOW Photons traveling close to a black hole have their paths bent by gravity. Some will plunge in, but others are redirected
or even caught in circular orbits just outside the event horizon. These orbiting photons then escape and travel toward the observer (right), tracing
out a slightly magnifi ed picture of a light ring around a dark center.

radio. Very close to the event horizon, these photons can
be diverted or even temporarily trapped by gravity, looping
around and around the black hole in what’s called a photon
ring, explains EHT astronomer Feryal Özel (University of
Arizona). But if the light continues inward, it will plunge
past the event horizon and never reach us. These effects
combine to create what’s called the black hole’s shadow: a
dark circle surrounded by a bright halo. The halo’s inner
edge is the photon ring.
Einstein’s description of gravity, the general theory of
relativity (GR), predicts what this shadow should look like: a
nearly perfect circle approximately fi ve times wider than the
black hole’s horizon. The size and shape depend primarily
on the way the black hole bends light around itself, not the
behavior of the gas, radiation, or magnetic fi elds nearby.
However, the shadow only exists because of that nearby
matter. The bright ring outlining the darkness is made of
synchrotron radiation, radio photons spat out by electrons
corkscrewing along magnetic fi eld lines. (Magnetic fi elds
thread the giant tutu of gas that encircles the black hole.)
The closer observers look to the black hole, the hotter the
radiation. To peer as close to the black hole as possible,
where gas temperatures reach some 100 billion degrees ,
astronomers need to observe at short radio wavelengths of
about 1 millimeter.
But they also need large targets. The black holes that
form binaries with stars are only as wide as cities; to detect
shadows, astronomers must observe supermassive black
holes, which squash millions to billions of Suns’ worth of
mass into a region the size of a planetary system. The black

holes also have to be bright
at the right wavelengths, and
not all are.
Scientists thus settled on
two optimal targets: Sagit-
tarius A*, which sits in the
center of the Milky Way, and
M87*, which lies about 55
million light-years away in
the constellation Virgo (S&T:
Feb. 2012, p. 20). Each of
these black holes should have
a shadow roughly 50 micro-
arcseconds across, or the
apparent size of an orange
at the distance of the Moon.
They’re also very different
black holes: Sgr A* is a quiet beast, constantly fl ickering as
it snacks on gas, whereas M87* rages, spewing a plasma jet
toward us that stretches thousands of light-years into space.
Even so, M87* is a steadier source, varying on daylong time
scales instead of minutes as Sgr A* does.
But how do you take a picture of something the size of
an orange on the Moon?

Making the Invisible Visible
Working at a wavelength of 1.3 mm, astronomers need a
telescope approximately 10,000 km in diameter to resolve
the shadows of these black holes. That’s roughly the size of
Earth itself. No agency will fund that.

pHOME GALAXY The elliptical
galaxy M87 contains roughly
10 times more stars than the
Milky Way and dominates over
the Virgo Cluster’s some 2,000
galaxies. A powerful jet streams
from its central black hole,
stretching across several thou-
sand light-years.
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