Sky & Telescope - USA (2019-09)

(Antfer) #1 • SEPTEMBER 2019 69

pClicking the guiding icon opens the autoguider settings,
where the guide camera is selected and specifi c details are
input, including the focal length of your guide scope or off-
axis guider. Selecting the Auto Restore Calibration switch
will permit the app to recall the last guiding settings used.

tThe control app ASIair for both iOS and Android devices
is just as it states, “as easy as 1, 2, 3.” Upon launching
the app, you are fi rst prompted to connect to the device
through a WiFi connection. After that, simply select each
of your cameras, the mount, a fi lter wheel, and focuser by
clicking each icon along the top of the screen.

pOnce the autoguider is calibrated, select the crosshair
icon at the right, click on a star in the autoguider preview
screen, and click the start button, and the unit will begin
guiding. A helpful graph plots its corrections at the bot-
tom of the screen.

pMuch like shooting with a traditional computer or
laptop, the ASIair app displays each exposure after it is
completed. A green outline grows clockwise around the
exposure button (right) to show the progress as frames in
the programmed series are completed.

pThe app includes an extremely handy plate-solving
feature that helps you recompose images when target-
ing the same object over multiple nights.
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