Modern Spanish Grammar: A Practical Guide

(lily) #1
A pesar de que Elena tiene tiempo, no nos visita. (see 52 )
In spite of the fact that Elena has time, she doesn’t visit us.
The only conjunction of time that always takes a subjunctive is antes de que‘before’:

Antes de que te cases, mira lo que haces.
Before you marry, look what you’re doing. (the Spanish equivalent of
‘Look before you leap’.)
María se había ido antes de que lo supiera Pablo.
María had left before Pablo knew.

There is an increasing tendency in some written styles of Spanish, especially
journalistic style, to use the -ra past subjunctive verb form in place of the preterite or
past anterior (see 17.9 and 17.10) with conjunctions of time, especially with después
(de) que and luego que‘after’, and desde que‘since’:
La paz se firmó después de que/luego que todos los ministros se
pusieran de acuerdo.
The peace was signed after all the ministers had come to an agreement.
Ha habido paz desde que se detuviera a los guerrilleros.
There has been peace since the guerrillas were arrested.

18.2.3 Conjunctions expressing a hypothesis

^50 (p. 296);^51 (p. 299);^52 (p. 306)
(a) Conditions
En caso de que necesites ayuda, hablaré con él.
If you need help, I’ll speak to him.

Como se lo digas te pego. (see 51.3)
If you tell him/her I’ll beat you up.
Siempre que no te quejes, te saco de paseo.
Provided you don’t complain, I’ll take you out for a walk.
Conjunctions with similar meaning are con tal (de)que, siempre y cuando, a
condición de que, con la condición de que.

(b) Negative conditions

Lo terminaremos este sábado, a menos que ocurra algo. (see 51.3)
We’ll finish it this Saturday, unless anything unforeseen happens.
Conjunctions with similar meaning are no sea que, no vaya a ser que, a no ser que,
salvo que.

(c) Concession
Así me echen del trabajo exigiré un aumento de sueldo. (see 52 )
Even if they fire me I’ll insist on a salary increase.

Lo voy a comprar, aunque me cueste mucho dinero.
I’m going to buy it even though it may cost me a lot of money.


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