Querido tío: Dear Uncle
Queridos primos: Dear Cousins
When writing to people you do not know too well, use estimado instead of querido,
even if you address the person with the familiar tú.
Estimado Alejandro: Dear Alejandro
Estimada Alfonsina: Dear Alfonsina
29.9.3 Common phrases used in formal and business correspondence Acknowledging receipt of a letter:
Acuso/acusamos recibo de su carta de fecha 4 de octubre...
I/we acknowledge receipt of your letter of 4th October...
Obra en mi/nuestro poder su carta de fecha 17 del corriente...
I/we acknowledge receipt of your letter of 17th of the current month...
En contestación/respuesta a su (atenta) carta del 25 de marzo
In reply to your letter of 25th March... Stating purpose of letter:
El objeto de la presente es...
This is to...
Mediante/por medio de la presente quisiera informarle...
This is to inform you...
Tengo/tenemos el agrado de dirigirme/nos a usted para...
I/we have pleasure in writing to you to...
Me dirijo/Nos dirigimos a ustedes a fin de solicitarles...
We are writing to request...
43.5 (p. 258)
Note that usted and ustedes are often used in abbreviated form in writing: Vd., for
usted, and Vds. or Vdes. for ustedes, also found as Ud. and Uds. respectively. Expressing regret for something:
Siento/sentimos informarle que...
I am/we are sorry to inform you that...
Lamento/lamentamos profundamente tener que comunicarles que
I am/we are very sorry to have to inform you that...
Note here the use of sentir and lamentar‘to be sorry’, ‘to regret’, followed by the
^26 (p. 131); 63.1 (p. 358) Expressing pleasure at something:
Me/nos complace informarle que...
I am/we are pleased to inform you that...
Writing letters 29.9