59 Expressing surprise
This chapter considers the concept of surprise and examines the ways in which Spanish
speakers normally express this idea.
To express surprise, Spanish, like English, uses a range of expressions. Some of these are
fixed words or phrases, others are complete sentences which vary according to context.
59.1 Set expressions
Oh yes?
¿De veras?
¡Fíjate (fam.)/ fíjese (pol.)!
Imagine!, just think!
¡Qué bien!
Oh, good!, great!
¡No me diga/s!
You don’t say!
Good heavens! I never!
¡Vaya sorpresa!
What a surprise!
¡No puede ser!
It/that is impossible!
¡Qué raro/extraño!
How strange!
¡Es increíble!
It/that’s incredible!