¿Cree usted que esto está bien?
Do you think this is all right?
¿Le parece bien?
Does it seem all right to you? (pol.)
Si te parece,...
‘If it’s all right with you.. .’ (fam.)
¿Qué te parece?
What do you think? (fam.)
Note that parecer, ‘to seem’, like gustar, has to be preceded by an indirect object
pronoun (le or les, ‘to you’, for polite address, and te or os, ‘to you’, for familiar address).
8.2 (p. 36)
¿Está bien ese informe?
Is that report all right?
¿Crees tú que este trabajo está bien?
Do you think this job is all right?
Si le parece, puedo traérselo mañana.
If it’s all right with you, I can bring it tomorrow.
¿Qué os parece?
What do you think?