Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1

Coordinate Grid Matching

Grid Matching
b. When finished, press Enter. This tells Excel to look at cell D8. If it con-
tains a question mark (we’ll get to this later), keep whatever value is al-
ready in cell A8. However, if cell D8 is empty, return a random column
number and row number and turn it into a cell address.

c. Remember that you have turned off automatic calculation. Excel will
now only make calculations when the F9 key is pushed. Push F9 several
times to see how the cell location in A8 changes.

  1. This step will enter the formulas into the grid, which will tell Excel where
    to put the smiley face, based on the result of the formula in cell A8. Unfor-
    tunately, there is no way to copy the formula after you have written it once.
    Each of the 25 cells in the grid will require their own version of the for-
    mula. Fortunately, the change for each cell is minor and can be done fairly
    easily. Also, remember that you have changed the font type in the grid to
    Wingdings, which means that, as you type, you will just see some very

Figure 151
Entering the
circular reference
formula in A8
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