Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1

Math Art

Math Art

Math Art


If you need a quick one or two day lesson for those days when you and your
students need a little break, try doing some mathematical art with Excel. Both
string art and tessellations are bona fide mathematical concepts, and Excel can
be used to turn out some surprisingly artistic results. Doing a little internet
research for both will turn up a large amount of reference material and design

Solution and Overview

You will learn how to use the built-in Drawing tools that come with Excel to
draw lines and basic shapes and how to change their colors.

Creating the Solution

String Art ......................................................................................................................

You will set up a square grid that will be used as a guide for drawing the lines.
The only real consideration here is the age of your students and their level of
patience. Younger students may feel overwhelmed by anything larger than a 15
x 15 grid. Older students could easily deal with a 25 x 25 or larger.

  1. Begin by making a 25 x 25 grid. (You can easily make this either smaller or

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