Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1

Probability with Coins or Dice

w/ Coins
or Dice

a. Move your cursor to the upper left corner of cell F1 and click the mouse.
A circular shape will appear somewhere nearby. If you got lucky, it will
be the right size to fit exactly inside cell F1. If not, you may need to
move it and/or resize it.

b. Notice that, as you move your cursor across the oval, it changes shapes.
If you need to move the oval, you want the cursor to look like a plus sign
with arrowheads. When it does, you can click and drag the oval to
where you want it. After you have it mostly inside cell F1, move your
cursor to the small open circle handle on the bottom or side. Click and
drag one at a time until the oval is inside cell F1 and appears circular.

c. Click on the circle to highlight it, and right click your mouse. Select
Format AutoShape, and click the Colors and Lines tab. Next to the
word Transparency, there is a slide bar. Move it all the way to the right
until the box at the right reads 100%. This setting allows you to see the
“H” or “T”, but keeps the coin white against a white background.

Optionally, you can select any color that you want, or try your hand at
making a custom color. Experiment with the transparency levels with
colors other than white, but 50% should work. You want to be able to
see the “H” or “T” in the center of the circle. Click OK to exit when you
are done.

Figure 213
Selecting the Oval icon and
re-sizing the circle
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