Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1

Math Exercise Sheets


Math Exercise Sheets


You’ve been using the same math exercise sheets for years. Some of the kids
are starting to memorize the answers. Can you use Excel to create new drill
sheets for math facts?

Solution and Overview

Excel has a couple of functions to generate random numbers. Using a
combination of these functions will produce a fresh exercise sheet every time.
You can even create different sheets for each student in the class, avoiding the
urge to cheat.

Creating the Solution

Excel offers several hundred different functions ready for use. The program
also ships with another 150 obscure functions that you can make available to
Excel. As it turns out, this chapter will use the RANDBETWEEN function,
which is in that collection of 150 functions.

RANDBETWEEN, the function you will use to generate the random numbers,
is not a standard Excel function. It is, however, part of something called the
Analysis ToolPak.

This is how to make the Analysis ToolPak available for use on your computer.

  1. Open Excel.

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