Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1

Math Exercise Sheets


argument in the function can be a reference to another cell instead of a
number. To handle any case, enter the following formula in cell B3:

  1. Add a line under the second term.
    Before making a whole sheet of these problems, take some time to get the
    first problem correctly formatted. With the cellpointer in B3, choose the
    bottom border button in the Formatting toolbar.

This will add a line across the entire length of the bottom of cell B3. I think
using the Borders icon for a bottom border is better than using the
Underline icon, which would only extend the underline as far as the digits
in the cell.

  1. Enter a plus sign to the left of the second term.
    In cell A3, enter a quotation mark and a plus sign. The quotation mark will


Every time that you enter a new value or press the F9 key, Excel will recalculate
all of the formulas on the worksheet. This includes generating new random
numbers. Thus, as you enter the formula in B3, the value in B2 will probably
change. To test that the logic is working, press the F9 key several times and you
will see that you continually get new problems whose total is less than 10.

Figure 84
Finding a random number
between 1 and 6

Figure 85
Adding a line below the second number in an equation
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