Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1
Arithmetic Facts Quiz

Facts Quiz

  1. Set the margins.
    Now click on the Margins tab. Set the top and bottom margins to 1” and the
    left and right margins to 0.5”. At the bottom, click on the box next to the
    word “Horizontally” to center the quizzes on the page. Click OK to close.

  2. Select and format a range.
    Click on cell A4, hold down the left button, and drag down and to the right
    to cell B15. Let go, and the range A4:B15 should be grayed in.

a. Right-click inside the gray area; select Format Cells and click on the
Border tab. Under Presets, click on both Outline and Inside. Click OK
to exit.

Figure 102
Setting Margins
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