Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:


1.A(n) is a compilation of a
patient’s health information.
2.The usual format for charting is
the unexpected event, the cause of the event,
actions taken in response to the event, and
discharge planning if appropriate.

  1. are a key component to facilitate
    data and outcome comparisons. They are spe-
    cific categories of information that use
    uniform definitions to create a common
    language among multiple healthcare data
    4.The is a group of data elements
    that represent core items of a comprehensive
    assessment for an adult home care patient and
    form the basis for measuring patient outcomes
    for purposes of outcome-based quality
    5.Documentation in long-term care settings is
    specified by the , which helps the
    staff gather definitive information on a
    resident’s strengths and needs and address
    these in an individualized plan of care.
    6.A nurse who communicates oral, written, or
    audiotaped patient data to the nurse replacing
    him/her on the next shift is giving a(n)
    7.A(n) is a tool used by healthcare
    agencies to document the occurrence of
    anything out of the ordinary that results in, or
    has the potential to result in, harm to a
    patient, employee, or visitor.
    8.A(n) is a meeting of nurses to
    discuss some aspect of a patient’s care.

Match the formats of nursing documentation
listed in Part A with their appropriate example
listed in Part B.


a.Initial nursing assessment
b.Plan of nursing care
c.Critical/collaborative pathways
d.Progress notes
e.Graphic record
f.24-hour fluid balance record
g.Medication record
h.24-hour nursing care record
i.Discharge and transfer summary
j.Home care documentation
k.Long-term care documentation

  1. The nurse documents the case manage-
    ment plan for a patient population with
    a designated diagnosis, which includes
    expected outcomes, interventions to be
    performed, and the sequence and timing
    of these interventions.

  2. The nurse documents a diabetic
    patient’s intake and output of fluids.

  3. The nurse summarizes a patient’s reason
    for treatment, significant findings,
    procedures performed and treatment
    rendered, and any specific instructions
    for the patient/family.

  4. The nurse uses this form to record a
    patient’s pulse, respiratory rate, blood
    pressure, body temperature, weight, and
    bowel movements.

  5. The nurse documents routine aspects of
    care that promote goal achievement,
    safety, and well-being.

  6. The nurse records the database obtained
    from the nursing history and physical

  7. The nurse documents the
    administration of Cipro IV, 400 mg
    every 12 hours.

  8. The nurse documents a patient’s diagno-
    sis of AIDS, expected outcomes, and
    specific nursing interventions.

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