Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:

a.Selecting a life partner
b.Establishing and guiding the next
c.Establishing a social network
d.Forming a personal philosophical and
ethical structure
9.Which of the following statements about the
older adult is accurate?
a.Old age begins at age 65.
b.Personality is not changed by chronologic
c.Most older adults are ill and
d.Intelligence declines with age.

Multiple Response Questions
Circle the letters that correspond to the best
answers for each question.
1.Which of the following are considered to be
normal physical changes in the middle adult?
(Select all that apply.)
a.Skin moisture increases.
b.Hormone production increases.
c.Hearing acuity diminishes.
d.Cognitive ability diminishes.
e.Cardiac output begins to decrease.
f.There is a loss of calcium from bones.
2.Which of the following statements accurately
describe the role of the middle adult? (Select all
that apply.)
a.A task of the middle adult is to guide the
next generation.
b.A task of the middle adult is to prepare for
separation from family and friends.
c.One role of the middle adult is to adjust to
the needs of aging parents.
d.According to Levinson, middle adults may
choose either to continue an established
lifestyle or reorganize their life in a period
of midlife transition.
e.Gould viewed the middle years as a time
when adults look inward and accept their
life span as having definite boundaries.
f.Persons in the middle adult years must
adjust to decreased personal freedom and
economic instability.

3.Which of the following statements concerning
the physical condition of older adults are accu-
rate? (Select all that apply.)
a.In older adults, all organs undergo some
degree of decline in overall functioning.
b.Body functions that require integrated
activity of several organ systems are
affected the most in older adults.
c.Most older adults experience severe limita-
tions in activities.
d.Statistically, one out of every five older adults
suffers from at least one chronic illness.
e.An older adult who lives alone is at greatest
risk for loss of independence.
f.An older adult’s ability to adapt determines
whether he/she is ill or healthy.
4.Which of the following facts regarding
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are accurate? (Select
all that apply.)
a.AD accounts for about one third of the
cases of dementia in the United States.
b.AD primarily affects young to middle adults.
c.Scientists estimate that more than 5 million
people have AD.
d.The number of people with AD doubles
every 20 years.
e.AD affects brain cells and is characterized by
patchy areas of the brain that degenerate.
f.AD is a progressively serious but not a life-
threatening disease.
5.Which of the following accurately describe
conditions found in older adulthood? (Select
all that apply.)
a.Sundowning syndrome is a condition in
which an older adult habitually becomes
confused, restless, and agitated after dark.
b.Delirium is a permanent state of confusion
occurring in older adulthood.
c.Depression is a prolonged or extreme state
of sadness occurring in many older adults.
d.As many as 50% of adults 65 years and
older experience an episode of delirium
during a hospitalization.
e.Polypharmacy is a term that is used to
describe the habit of older adults to use many
pharmacies to obtain their prescription drugs.
f.A significant percentage of older adults limit
their activities because of fear of falling that
might result in serious health consequences.

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