Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:

8.Which of the following conditions tends to
lower blood pressure?
a.High viscosity of the blood
b.Low blood volume
c.Decreased elasticity of walls of arterioles
d.Strong pumping action of blood into the
9.After taking vital signs, you write down your
findings as T 98.6, P 66, R 18, BP 
124/82. Which of these numbers represents
the systolic blood pressure?
b. 124
c. 82
d. 66

Multiple Response Questions
Circle the letters that correspond to the best
answers for each question.
1.Which of the following are normal variations
in vital signs that occur at various ages? (Select
all that apply.)
a.The normal blood pressure for a newborn is
b.Normal respirations for a 6- to 8-year-old
are 15 to 25.
c.Normal blood pressure for a teenager is
d.Normal pulse for a person older than
70 years is 80 to 180.
e.Normal oral temperature for an adult is
37 C.
f.Normal respirations for a 10-year-old are
20 to 40.
2.Which of the following statements regarding
heat production in the body and body temper-
ature are accurate? (Select all that apply.)
a.Heat is produced as a byproduct of
metabolic activities that generate energy
for cellular functions.
b.Thyroid hormone, produced by the thyroid
gland, decreases metabolism and heat

c.Exercise decreases heat production through
muscular activity.
d.Body temperature is usually about 1F to
2 F higher in the early morning than in the
late afternoon and early evening.
e.Women tend to have more fluctuation in
body temperatures than men.
f.When a set temperature point in the body
is increased, the hypothalamus initiates
shivering and vasoconstriction.
3.Which of the following are accurate steps
when assessing body temperature by various
methods? (Select all that apply.)
a.When assessing tympanic membrane tem-
perature, wipe the tympanic probe cover
with alcohol before inserting it snugly into
the ear.
b.When assessing an oral temperature with
an electronic thermometer, place the probe
beneath the patient’s tongue in the
posterior sublingual pocket.
c.When assessing rectal temperature with
an electronic thermometer, lubricate
about 1of the probe with a water-soluble
d.When assessing axillary temperature using
a glass thermometer, place the bulb in the
center of the axilla and bring the patient’s
arm down close to the body. Leave the ther-
mometer in place for 3 minutes.
e.When assessing temperature with an
electronic thermometer, hold the thermome-
ter in place in the assessment site until you
hear a beep.
f.Note the assessment site used because axil-
lary temperatures are generally about 1
more than oral temperatures and rectal
temperatures are generally about 1less
than oral temperatures.
4.Which of the following statements correctly
describe pulse physiology? (Select all that
a.The pulse is regulated by the autonomic
nervous system; parasympathetic
stimulation by the vagus nerve increases
the heart rate, and sympathetic stimulation
decreases the heart rate.

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