Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
c.During aspiration procedures, a needle or
similar instrument is inserted into a body
organ or cavity and fluid or tissue is removed
and sent to the laboratory for examination.
d.Studies that involve the administration of
radionuclide and subsequent measurement of
radiation from an organ to detect functional
abnormalities are called nuclear scanning.
e.Blood studies, urine studies, and sputum
studies are examples of laboratory
f.Paracentesis and thoracentesis are examples
of endoscopic procedures.
2.Which of the following statements describe
the tone that may be percussed at specific
body locations? (Select all that apply.)
a.A flat tone may be heard over the thigh.
b.A dull sound is generally heard over the liver.
c.Resonance is heard over an emphysematous
d.Hyperresonance is percussed over the
abdominal cavity.
e.Loud tympany may be heard over a gastric
air bubble.
f.A dull sound would be heard over a puffed-
out cheek.
3.Which of the following statements accurately
describe the appearance of basic types of skin
lesions? (Select all that apply.)
a.A freckle is a palpable, elevated solid mass
smaller than 0.5 cm.
b.Vitiligo is a circumscribed, flat, nonpalpable
change in skin color with a lesion larger
than 1 cm.
c.Acne is a pustule filled with pus formed by
free fluid in a cavity within skin layers.
d.A nevus or common mole is fibrous tissue
that replaces tissue in the dermis or subcu-
taneous layer of the skin.
e.Impetigo is a thin flake of exfoliated dermis.
f.A fissure is a deep linear crack that extends
into the dermis.
4.Which of the following are recommended
guidelines for testing peripheral vision? (Select
all that apply.)
a.Have the patient stand or sit about 3 feet
b.Have the patient cover one eye with a hand
or index card.

c.Ask the patient to look directly at a predeter-
mined spot on the wall behind you.
d.Cover your own eye opposite the patient’s
closed eye.
e.Hold one arm outstretched to one side
equidistant from you and the patient, and
move your fingers into the visual fields
from various peripheral points.
f.Ask the patient to tell you when the fingers
are first seen (you should see the fingers a
second before the patient).
5.Which of the following are structures of the
tympanic membrane? (Select all that apply.)
a.Junction of incus and stapes
c.Oval window
e.Stapes and footplate
f.Short process of malleus
6.Which of the following are recommended
guidelines for assessing the thorax and lungs?
(Select all that apply.)
a.The patient is asked to stand during the
physical assessment.
b.The thorax is percussed to detect areas of
sensitivity, chest expansion during respira-
tions, and vibrations.
c.Chest expansion is determined by placing
your hands over the posterior chest wall,
with the fingers at the level of T9 or T10, and
asking the patient to take a deep breath while
observing the movement of your thumbs.
d.Palpation is used to detect airflow within
the respiratory tract.
e.During auscultation of breath sounds, the
patient is sitting and is asked to breathe
slowly and deeply through the mouth
while the diaphragm of the stethoscope is
placed over the thoracic landmarks.
f.Percussion may be used to determine lung
position and size and to detect the presence
of air, liquids, or solids within the lungs.
7.Which of the following are normal age-related
thorax and lung variations? (Select all that apply.)
a.Softer auscultated breath sounds are found
in newborns and children.
b.Children have a slower respiratory rate
until 8 to 10 years of age.
c.Newborns and children use abdominal
muscles during respirations.


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